The Derra de Moroda Dance Archives (DdMDA) in Salzburg were founded by the dancer, choreographer, dance pedagogue and dance-publicist Friderica Derra de Moroda (1897–1978), who donated her renowned library to the Institute of Musicology (today the Department of Musicology and Dance Studies) of the University of Salzburg in 1975. Since then the collection has expanded gradually over the decades and has been available for research and teaching. In addition to more than 8,000 books on dance and related topics like theater, costume/stage design, fashion, folklore and Cultural Studies covering six centuries (16th–21st century), it comprises also musical materials (including original prints from the 17th century), libretti (17th–20th century), autographical letters by dancers and choreographers (18th–20th century), journals and magazines (18th–20th century), an extensive collection of iconographical sources (16th–20th century, consisting of paintings, engravings, etchings, lithographs, photographs), of posters, programs and newspaper clippings, as well as digital media (videos, DVDs, digital publications).
Furthermore the archive also keeps various writings from the personal legacy of Derra de Moroda, including drafts and manuscripts of her publications, notes, card indexes, and more than 1000 letters.
The Derra de Moroda Dance Archives are located in the Unipark Nonntal (University of Salzburg, Unipark, Erzabt-Klotz-Str. 1, A-5020 Salzburg).